OG Gears
A community for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions.
Pong started it. Asteroids hooked me. StarCraft ended it.
I remember flipping the score in asteroids.
Probably Oregon Trail, back when I was in first grade. What was that, 1989? Our first grade teacher would invite a pair of us during lunch to have a special gaming session where he would play the game but ask us to make decisions. Do you want to be a doctor? a blacksmith? a hunter? etc. The best part was shooting your musket at virtual buffalo, squirrels, rabbits, and other animals for meat. Back in those days, interactive media was very rare. It was such a neat treat!
Duck Hunt
I’ve been gaming since Pong. I literally grew up alongside video games.
Mega Man X
Earliest games I've played were...
Robotron (Apple Computer)
Space Invaders (Apple Computer)
Dig Dug (Apple Computer)
Lode Runner (Apple Computer)
Punch Out (NES)
Contra (NES)
Jackal (NES)
Battle City (NES)
Double Dragon 2 (NES)
Super Mario Brothers 1, 2, 3 (NES)
Popeye (NES)
Elevator Action (NES)
I played River Raid, Pacman and those kind of stuff but they never clicked. Then when I got my first PC, it came with Civilization.
Damn you Sid Meier sir, damn you...
Crystal Caves and the old side scrolling Duke Nukem, they were both on the same shareware floppy disc and changed my life forever. I wasn't allowed to play videogames so it was a clandestine and limited hobby for a long time. Now I've got 3 consoles in my bedroom alone and it's the dream.
Super Mario Bros on NES. I still remember the moment I saw the game for the first time.
I was 5-6 years old when my Grandfather showed me first games in my life - Hexen, The Dig, Monkey Island, Outlaw and Full Throttle. Later, when I was about 10 years, he built a PC for me (we were actually discussing RAM amount, video card, etc.) and I continued my gaming journey.
Not only did I play games and enjoy the most exciting stories and experiences in videogames, but I also became a game developer thanks to him.
Pokemon emerald. Yeah no the most unique answer I know
Mechwarrior 2 got me more into games, but the original Call of Duty made me a gamer. Sports Car GT got me addicted to car racing games.
Assassins Creed or Legend of Zelda (Twilight Princess) were some of the first games I played solo as a kid - although I grew up with parents that liked to play Nintendo / FPS games with me. The first one I really remember was the Super Mario Brothers+Duck Hunt combo.
Clouds & Sheep
Metal Gear Solid
Doom II.
I bought Devil May Cry in a GameStop back in the day when I was 8 years old. They had large cardboard cut outs of Dante advertising.
I remember so well because they have a PS2 set up in the store with Eye Toy. I remember playing the ninja / cleaning mini games, then my 8 y.o brain decided that DMC would be better because the cardboard cutout of Dante was so cool.
I was not wrong, but I ended up getting eye toy that Christmas any way. Those were the times!
I got into trouble at school for play fighting in the play ground and screaming "I active my devil trigger mode!" And biting another kid on the arm because legendary dark knight sparda.
Megaman X4. I still remember the boss sequence .
Frost Walrus - Jet Stingray - Slash Beast - Web Spider - Split Mushroom - Cyber Peacock - Storm Owl - Magma Dragoon.
Video game interest in general. Wii Sports
Video game obsession. Left 4 Dead 2
DMC was the first Ps2 game I beat. On the first console, I purchased with my own earned money. So even though it didn't make me a gamer. It's definitely what made me keep up the hobby of gaming as an adult
few millennia ago a game named pok a tok :P
SpongeBob SquarePants the movie
Amiga Tanks
The original Lego Racers.
Anni 1503
Legend of Zelda on the NES
Been gamer since and a MASSIVE fan of the Legend of Zelda games.......even suffered through the CDi games.....wasnt fun.
Call of duty (2003)
Adventure Island
The original Prince of Persia or Impossible Mission on Commodore 64, can't remember clearly.
gta online
Super Mario World
The matrix ps2
I was gaming before DMC but it is one of the few games I beat 100% and unlocked the infinite devil trigger shit, was hard af but worth it lol. I'm having PTSD flashbacks of fight the nightmare in must die mode now
Sonic the hedgehog 2/Mortal Kombat 1/streets of rage 1/ golden axe.
Got them all my hand me down sega. Best childhood ever
Prince of Persia
Frogger on the Acorn Electric
For me it was New Super Mario Bros DS.
Tekken 3 was my first game. Although the first game that I played on my first PC is super mario, that was like 15 years ago.
Gianna Sisters on C64
Pitfall was one of my favorites back in the day
Angry birb
Your mom.
Half-Life. It was the first big boy PC game I played and it blew my mind.
Super Mario Bros 3
Lego Battles on the DS and that's how I got introduced into RTS
NES Metroid
Airborne Ranger on the Commodore 64.
I think I was 8 or 9 and the depth in the different ways you could approach a mission from where you dropped your supply crates and the lines you could take to complete your objective were amazing.