Jeez, what a week of headlines. I swear it started as Nothing will unveil iMessage for Android. Then shifted to Apple with adopt RCS. The Nothings BlueMessage getting taken down from the play today it is getting killed entirely. This has got to be the shortest lifespan of a product for Android from initial public announcement to death blow.
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Sorry, so the privacy concerns turned out to be WORSE than YouTubers had mentioned.
Jfc wow.
They beat Google’s record of killing a product!
Jeez, they didn’t even try.
Thread title sounds like gibberish.
Nobody saw that coming…
Nothing just did this to look like they were responsible for Apple changing their stance on RCS. They moved according to the deadline the Digital Markets Act imposed.
End of the day be it bad or good publicity they got what they wanted.
I’m a software eng, and nah, no way. Sheer incompetence. Don’t give them credit where none is due
Quicker than I expected
I’m sorry but…LMAO! 😂
I just don’t get the fascination from android users wanting iMessage. Use whatsapp or signal etc to get through to your apple friends or sms failing that. If you really want that blue bubble just save up for an iPhone.
It’s not for Android users to use iMessage. It’s for iMessage users to use Android.
Android users don’t care about iMessage
A good used iPhone isn’t even that expensive.
I dunno, something something bubbles.
What does this have to do with iMessage?
Jesus did that even last a day?
"Nothing" to see here! Move along!
we all knew it wasn't staying for long
My hindsight bias was like someone would have developed something like this earlier and failed so this new initiative may have the same fate…and it did.
Essentially what happened here is there was no actual product. They had inside info that Apple was making this move and figured they would get some free PR from it. And idiot Youtubers were dumb enough to give it to them.
Not to mention the way they wanted to accomplish this killed privacy. Insanely invasive. Nobody should trust Nothing after this, if somehow you still did. And stop listening to any Youtubers who happily carried their water this week.
Shady company abuses analytics SDK to log user messages?
shocked pikachu face
All of that for nothing lmao.
This is just embarrassing.
All of that for nothing
I see what you did there 😉
The lack of due diligence on Nothing's part here is ridiculous and I don't know how any users can trust Nothing with their data again after this. I guess the privacy and security nightmare pre-empted the need for Apple to take any action, which is a win on Apple's part.
Goes to show, say what you will about Apple keeping a lock on iMessage. However at lease iMessage hasn’t been blatantly exposed to the internet by careless actions from Apple.
iCloud/AppleId has never been “hacked”. Only users with shitty passwords that someone guessed.
Is Beeper just as bad? If so why isn't it getting slammed like Nothing has? Beeper app has been around a lot longer...
That was a hard headline to read without context of what “Nothing” is.
It didn't make sense to me at all until this comment
All signs point to Sunbird being actual malware at this point- and, I mean, their motivations were a coin toss from the beginning. I can’t imagine hitching your company’s reputation (not to mention customer security) to something so blatantly sketchy. Not surprised at all by this news.
They got the PR they wanted.
Much ado about Nothing…
Who didn't see this coming?
Woah, who wouldve expected that
Most teenagers here in California use Snapchat..
I like nothing a lot. But it seems that their desire to get publicity from this and prove a point really created a mess.
Suggest that they wait until Apple supports the encrypted rcs standard.
*User privacy and security
I forgot that part in the title and idk how to edit it😬
that's the neat part. you can't.
i thought nothing was a regular word and not the phone company at first lol
Already? But it's nice that they acted quick and pulled the plug on a bad product. Letting it drag would have made the situation worse.
Down the drain
Nothing’s wrong here.
Just write in paper Jesus
”Just one more (no)thing…”
At this point it was either Apple announcing RCS support that made this redundant or a sternly worded cease and desist from Apple’s army of lawyers that ended it.
I mean…No shit. How did they not notice ahead of time?
Guess the CEO got the hint after a bunch of tech tubers pointed out that it’s a security nightmare (login into a remote Mac Mini that now owns the keys to your Apple Account). Could also be that the unexpected RCS move made it redundant so they got the security concerns and used it as an excuse.
No, it wasn’t any of that. It turned out they saved all your messages and anyone can access them.