TIL Lesbian couples cause autistic kids?
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The childfree folks are batshit to start with but they are really only saying we won’t have kids, although they can be dicks about it.
This lot are saying you should not have kids which is a whole new level of nutcase.
Abortion and euthanasia are going to lead to autistic people being murdered. Neo progressives already believe that disabled children should be aborted and atheists admit that "life begins some time after birth" meaning they openly support euthanasia up to age five in some cases. A lot of neo progressives think the most humane option for disabled children is abortion or euthanasia at a young age.
Autistic people might be too much but we regularly nudge people to do eugenics if they have a chance to birth babies with down syndrome. "Eugenics" is mostly bad but I doubt people would disagree with the prevention of creating babies with huge disabilities. Autistic people are in the gray area imo.