i haven't used 小红书 in a few years but i can imagine the average user being really tired of this sudden invasion of USians. imagine trying to use your normal social media app that you use for normal shit and suddenly it's full of clueless anglos posting bullshit in their bullshit language and refusing to use your language, and a normal post about normal shit suddenly has 25 comments like "huh what's this lol" "i don't speak thingumajig, speak american lol" "haha your chinese dances are funny lol" "wooow i wanna eat chinese noodles, i love pad thai"
i get that exposing anglos to normal shit outside of iowa is enriching and good for the low percentage of people that are actually curious and willing to learn but damn, can't imagine being a normal user on the normal app right now
i guess it'll blow over very soon