Rules: Polite Language Only: All posts and comments must be written in extremely polite, formal language, akin to 1800s etiquette.
No Modern Slang or Cuss Words: Any use of modern slang, cuss words, or informal language results in a warning or temporary ban.
Respectful Insults: You can insult or criticize, but it must be done in the most respectful and formal way possible.
Enforcement: A point system is used for rule violations, by accumulating a total of 3 infractions resulting in a temporary ban (e.g., three strikes and you're out for a week).
Proper Critique: "My dear sir, it appears your argument lacks the necessary foundation in empirical evidence, and I must respectfully disagree with your conclusion."Polite Insult: "Madam, with all due respect, your assertion is as misguided as it is ill-informed."
Polite Insult: "Madam, with all due respect, your assertion is as misguided as it is ill-informed."