If I'm calling it's an emergency or extremely time sensitive. Otherwise I text. I can understand when you don't want app or even text notifications. But understand and accept the risk that comes with it.
What pisses me right the fuck off is when I call, then call again, then text, then text again, and you, "mr/mrs im so important I can't be bothered by notifications" are somehow offended at me because you missed out on something because you didn't bother properly configuring two calls in a row from a known contact through your deny-by-default filter.
Those people, family or not, can fuck right off.
I don't like telemarketing or spam calls. But I also take responsibility and check if it's actually important. It's nbd to me to hang up on a spam call. And to be honest I have gotten a fair share of legitimate calls from numbers I don't recognize.
TL;DL Answer ya damn phone, you damn well know tiktok and insta still gonna be there 5 seconds from now