Now we just need competitive hammering and we can objectively identify the best communists.
<<<<<<< / c / g a r d e n i n g >>>>>>>
read braiding sweetgrass, lib
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Let it grow ^.^
.-/ \-. If I had a flower
( \__/ ) for each time
/`-./;;\.-`\ I thought
\ _.\;;/._ /
( / \ ) of communism
, \\ (-. ) my garden
|\_ ||/.-`would be full
\'.\_ |;`
'--,\|| ,
`;| _/|
// _/.'/
I'm going to start attending competitive woodchop competitions and try to radicalise those big units
Pretty much any tool you can pick up as a competition associated with it.
The wild part is most people's lawns could probably be done with a simple scythe and yet these boomers bust out the pro-grade john deere pieces of shit for a small lawn.
Scythes are especially good for getting tight corners, small spaces, and uneven terrain that a lawnmower struggles with.
This video has proven to me that I could cut my grass in under a minute, instead of spending about 30 minutes with a stupid petrol thing (which I do as little as I legally can). I wonder how easy it is to own and learn to use a scythe.
It takes some time. The biggest problem most people have is that they run out of ankles quite quickly.
it's like lasers.
do not hit second ankle with scythe
I've gone down this rabbit hole before. Watch this video.
You could also just get a push mower (non-powered). Takes no skill to use.
A push mower might work if the area is flat and level. I tried one on my bumpy field and it was not a good time. A scythe with a ditch blade is so much easier to use in that scenario.
You totally can. You do have to do some research on the type of blade you need for the land you have.
Also keep in mind that although there are no moving parts or fuel. A scythe still takes maintenance. First you will want to hone the blade after about 5-10 minutes of use using a whetstone. Then you will eventually need to peen the blade with a hammer and anvil.
Also, it's easier to mow grass with a scythe if the grass is a bit longer. And you may be asked to mow your grass more often if you live with an HOA or something similar. Last year I cut my grass twice after it got about 5 ft tall, which I timed to get better yields from my garden and fruit trees.
The scythe swinging near that guys feet struck the fear of god into me.
new method for tricking other people into mowing your grass just dropped
I learned about it through a random YouTube recommendation, and I've always found it fascinating. I used to go to a communal farm close to where I live to help harvest the wheat by hand, and using the scythe was such a good time.
Germans will do anything but something sensible with their time