r/unixsocks on fediverse
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Unixporn + ThighHighs
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They gotta be messing with us, a quick search says it's some sort of "5G/EMF protection" thing. That's the most ironic scam I've ever seen. Protect yourself from harmless non ionizing radiation by wearing harmful ionizing radiation. Thorium is weak, but damn that's funny.
Also worth noting that sometimes people just like jewelry made with weird and neat rocks.
This is harmful radioactive jewelry rather than weird and neat rocks. People can and should do what they want, but it's absolutely insane and ironic that you can buy radioactive wear-on-your-body jewelry that's sold as good for you rather than a disclaimer that you literally should not wear it, because it's actually poison.
But I mean, if you want to wear literal poison, I raise my glass of bleach to you.
Luckily, I didn't buy it to wear. And I can confirm it's not a "cool rock".
In that case, does it do anything neat under a UV flashlight if you happen to have one?
Don't have one.