Lol I was thinking this exact thing
Less than 100 years ago
i wish my fridays were back to how they used to be
they dont' surprise me anymore
i didn't even know they sold it
a pneumatic table is definitely one of my must-haves this year.. just so darn expensive
now that i think about it, this would be handy for remote support techs walking a user on-site on what to do..
"you see the 3rd switch from the top that has the cisco logo? i'll need you to power cycle it"
2 hours later
"oh i found it"
"you see the girl with the blue hair? unplug the box her hair's connected to"
can't speak for others, but i'm mostly the quiet/introverted/lurker type..
sometimes i just feel like i have nothing valuable to add to the conversation
i will make an active effort to engage more tho
wow so much great memories lol
their good devs and engineers have left
thanks. i have a laptop i deliberately installed debian on.. but that's about it lol
i'll take you up on the support suggestion too.. i recently had to figure out why a unix server went down at work. luckily we had a set of scripts and commands archived from the manager that supported it before he left. all i did was just run them with a little bit of logic and context applied, but it forced me to poke around a bit and seeing what each command did. i was careful enough not to break anything but i found it quite interesting
i'd like to have a graphic design community on here