My 14,000 unread emails would like to inform you that I have not seen this pop-up. Good info though
That's my favorite part of this site. Every time I open it I'm flooded by the shitwitching hour.
First of, let's suppose that Star Wars is sci fi. Secondly, my greatest gripe with it is that the light side and dark side make zero sense as a mechanic and only as an ideology. AND as an ideology, it also makes little sense. By establishing that there is a good side and a bad side, and establishing that you must be one of them, you necessitate that there will be bad guys. All it takes is to indoctrinate a child into thinking "I must be good, for if I am not then I am evil" to literally create more evil people. I had hoped that the sequels would address this with Luke and they only led to catastrophic disappointment
The Foundation series is honestly some of the greatest high concept science fiction to be written. But you're not wrong. That shit is hard to read now
I tried Ilium and took a break after the many pages long exposition on a naked teenager at the beginning and then never had the energy to go back. Should I try again?
Hyperion is my number one sci fi of all time and I need to know if I'm missing out
I was incapacitated by the shits in Toronto and Imodium locked that shit down
It's a barotrauma mood
Looking for answers too, brother