
joined 6 months ago
[–] KokusnussRitter@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I'd like to spin your argument into the other direction.

During the 3rd Reich and the years leading up to it, Hitler used the financial crisis, poverty and unemplyment to emtionalize people in order to make them vote for the NSDAP. His party/regime used a psudoscientific and non-factual ideology to dehumanize a part of the population. In this case most prominently jews but other ethnicities, gays, lesbians, disabled, too.

Let's compare this to Trump and see how accurate the comparison is. There is a financial crisis right now, not as bad as the great depression, but a lot of people in America struggle to meet month's end from what I understand. Trump uses this, talking about tarrifs and boosting the american economy. He also doesn't rely on facts or logic in his program. He claims bizarre things like "windmills will give you cancer through the sound they emit" to push against renewable energy and the protection of climate and nature. He also dehumanizes parts of the american population. In his first term he banned Muslims from entering the US. using the already very latent distrust/ hate against the muslim population. He called for a wall on the mexican border, claiming mexican immigrants are through and through criminals, alledgedly endangering US citizens, when in actuality southern states are highly dependent on these immigrants to take low wage jobs in agriculture. Also, as laughable as it is: "They eat the cats" is part of that, too. He also has follows an anti-lgbtq+ ideology.

Hitler of coursed lived in a different time and people back then faced slightly different problems, but the patterns are similar. The goals are similar. They both follow an ideology that values people differently, based on percieved usefullness to a nationalist image of society.

Not comparing right-extremist leaders to the third Reich, not holding them up against that is, disrespectful to those who suffered. Trump has not comitted a genocide, but the ideology he popularized opens the gates far and wide for abuse of any kind. So I believe that we should compare him to Hitler to make it very clear where his actions could very realistically lead.

[–] KokusnussRitter@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Im März Merz wählen?

Ich denke wir sollten sein Einkommen überwachen und ihn in eine kleine Wohnun umsiedeln, wenn er die Angebote des Arbeitsamts ablehnt

[–] KokusnussRitter@discuss.tchncs.de 6 points 3 days ago (5 children)

Ich dachte Habeck hätte erst einen Schritt auf die FDP zu gemacht? Allerdings komm ich gerade auch nicht ganz hinterher. Fehlt mir hier was?

[–] KokusnussRitter@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

habs grad auch überflogen und auch nix gefunden

[–] KokusnussRitter@discuss.tchncs.de 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Leider kann ich den Soßenartikel nicht ohne Datenklau anschauen. Hat jemand Kontext?

Guess he couldn't take it with him to DS9 :(

[–] KokusnussRitter@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I knew it was to good to be true xD I managed to troubleshoot a few things over the past days so I am good atm. But thank you for your offer :)

[–] KokusnussRitter@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I get it. I also don't want to signal to Microsoft that switching to a subscription model is valid, for an OS I already payed for. I worry they'll adapt it for all services released in the future, which are declining in quality. They are basically becoming Adobes ugly sibling.

I know, this is a contradictory statement to what I have written before which was driven by frustration mainly. Managed to troubleshoot a few things since then.

[–] KokusnussRitter@discuss.tchncs.de 3 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Aber bedeutet etwas zu produzieren nicht, dass etwas Neues aus anderen Teilen/Stoffen geschaffen wird? Das Uran ist ja schon da. Ich behaupte "es wird gefördert" ist ein genauerer Ausdruck.


Hi there, first post here.

I found a Sega Mega Drive in our basement and am working on restoring it. It turns on, but I have no audio or video.

I never used a cartridge-driven console before, so I want to make sure this is not user error. I need to plug in the cartridge before turning on the console, and then there should be a boot screen and eventually the game.

Is it possible for the contacts to be too dirty to allow reading the cartridges?

And then lastly, I had a peek into the maintenance manual I may need to exchange hardware parts. Should I need to; do you know any trustworthy sellers in the EU that could have parts compatible with the Mega Drive? I have been looking for a 53.2034 MHz +/-20ppm oscillater since it could be faulty, but couldn't find any shop that had one with that odd of a MHz frequency.

Any advice is appreciated. :)

Edit: Thank you all for your comments. On further inspection the contacts on the Mega Drive's cartridge-slot were oxidized. A little bit of sand paper did the trick. :)


Jaja, mit Linux wäre das nicht passiert. Linux weigert sich nämlich meine Festplatte zu mounten.


Ich hab mir vor ca 2 Wochen das erste mal selbst eine Matratze gekauft und schlafe seit 12 Nächten da drauf. Ich merke jetzt allerdings schon, dass sie sich in der Mitte (wo ich meistens liege) schon deutlich weicher anfühlt und ich tiefer einsinke. Eine deutliche Kuhle ist nicht sichtbar, die Federn scheinen sich also zumindest wieder voll auszudehnen wenn ich nicht drauf liege. So weit so gut. Trotzdem mache ich mir Sorgen um die Langlebigkeit. Ist das eine Red Flag und sollte ich das Ding reklamieren, oder ist es normal, dass Federkernmatratzen so schnell weicher werden?


Nein, ich weiß nicht wie man "Zuhause" richtig schreibt. Und ja, ich bin zu faul nachzuschlagen.


Hi there, I started using Linux Mint Cinnamon a few days ago and am currently setting up my workspace, that includes software I can't find through the integrated Software Manager

My biggest issue is that I don't understand how to determine if software is compatible with Mint. Often devs declare their product to be compatible with ubuntu. Since Linux Mint is based on ubuntu, does that make the software automatically compatible?


Kopfhöhrer mit USB-C Anschluss wären alternativ auch okay.


Hallo in die Runde :) Ich bin schon seit längerem auf der Suche nach einer Blondierung die nicht an Tieren getestet wurde und von den Inhaltsstoffen her vegan ist. Leider habe ich dazu bisher nichts gefunden. Kennt ihr zufällig einen Hersteller/ ein Produkt?

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