
joined 11 months ago
[–] 0 points 9 months ago (2 children)

My ultimate nemesis was an unkillable bastard.

Unless I'm mistaken they'd level up when they came back (or when they killed you?) and this happened enough times that he only had one weakness - he could only be dropped by stealth attacks.

The only way to ensure a nemesis could never come back was to decapitate them. Which is fair, right? I didn't stick around after he stopped moving, how did I know they'd stitch him back up? But they ain't stitching his head back on, so dead is dead.

The problem was that either I didn't know how to do it, or there was simply no way at actually decapitate someone with a stealth attack. Which was the only way he could be beaten.

I musta killed him 50 fucking times.