Half day to go and I survived this week! Have been exhausted but also satisified!
Sorry for your loss. Fuck cancer!!!
It's going to be a tough week. Going to be busy the whole week at work. But then I am really looking forward to the challenges and rewards! Hope things are going to be fine!
Had a very good sleep. Right now I am a bit nervous about something at work, but I have to believe in myself, and not to let those who believe in me down.
Planning to go to bookstore. Let's see if I still have time and energy after buying groceries.
To the hospital again, but this time checking in at a different area. I got lost!!! Man, the hospital is so big.
OMG, who are you?
Life goes on. Going to office soon. My colleague is going to have a meeting with HR, hope everything is fine.
I think that means you had a great time! Good for you!
I ordered something on Amazon which is going to be a xmas gift, and it arrived! Great!
Very happy it is Friday again, but I have to pay a visit to the hospital tomorrow..
Couldn't sleep well yesterday because of some stupid things haunted in my mind.
But other than that, all good! Completed a task with unit tests, and moving to the next one! My sick colleague is back, he seems fine now!
When I got to work today, the whole team was not there. I guess more colleagues are sick, more blessings to them!
Went to some street markets. It's full of people and it was raining a little bit. Tired but relaxed.