
joined 3 years ago

do a search on twitter for "eating bugs" and you'll find lots of strange soulless fascist freaks who apparently don't live in the real world where people are already eating animal feed (what % of dog food is eaten by people? you will never hear these PMC class traitors talk about that on their woke "revolutionary" arts and culture podcast!)

woke radlibs who LARP as communists on twitter: "Seize the means of production! you can't create something out of nothing...we need to keep extracting things from the earths to live...We need to support Actually Existing Socialist states who are doing clean industrial production"

Actual scientists who have visited a farm for once in their lives: "Seize the means of waste decomposition and circular economy recycling! Check out this research paper from 1989 about feeding fungus to crickets and then feeding crickets to birds and then feeding birds to a different fungus and them feeding that fungus to fatten up African cane rats. Actually Existing Ecology is more advanced than anything the technocratic redditors can sell to their profit oriented bosses"

haha this fucking pseudo-intellectual discovered that actually Stalinism is based, this is hilarious

also ctrl+f "alienation" not found, this discussion isn't very Marxian lol, capitalism is bad because it alienates workers, not abstract notions of "power" or "profit"


Pete Buttigieg is NOT a cold blooded "reptile". Actually rodents can freeze to 1° C if they need to. Nature is truly miraculous in its evolutionary adaptations to survive


Heterothermic animals are those that can switch between poikilothermic and homeothermic strategies. These changes in strategies typically occur on a daily basis or on an annual basis. More often than not, it is used as a way to dissociate the fluctuating metabolic rates seen in some small mammals and birds (e.g. bats and hummingbirds), from those of traditional cold blooded animals. In many bat species, body temperature and metabolic rate are elevated only during activity. When at rest, these animals reduce their metabolisms drastically, which results in their body temperature dropping to that of the surrounding environment. This makes them homeothermic when active, and poikilothermic when at rest. This phenomenon has been termed 'daily torpor' and was intensively studied in the Djungarian hamster. During the hibernation season, this animal shows strongly reduced metabolism each day during the rest phase while it reverts to endothermic metabolism during its active phase, leading to normal euthermic body temperatures (around 38 °C).

based survival praxis, did this evolve because of the extinction event that killed the dinosaurs?

Larger mammals (e.g. ground squirrels) and bats show multi-day torpor bouts during hibernation (up to several weeks) in winter.[1] During these multi-day torpor bouts, body temperature drops to ~1 °C above ambient temperature and metabolism may drop to about 1% of the normal endothermic metabolic rate. Even in these deep hibernators, the long periods of torpor is interrupted by bouts of endothermic metabolism, called arousals (typically lasting between 4–20 hours).

some people also have a 420 arousal period

Regional heterothermy describes organisms that are able to maintain different temperature "zones" in different regions of the body.

Pete Buttigieg has freezing testicles and a burning hot nose, the ideal 69 sex partner


March for Future Wage Slaves Cagies

why Americans have such a high carbon foot print

Freedom to be an atomized drone who navigates the marketplace with individual choice

PMC Breadtube socialists: "there is no alternative to neoliberalism, degrowth isn't real" etc


people from all corners of twitter

based PMC class solidarity! :epstein:

The noxious class character of these woke twitter socialists is why they got so mad at Shaun, the nicest boy online. Being a sweet and earnest person talking about collective struggle is "idiotic" to these insignificant and low statured creatures. It makes sense that these cannibalistic podcasters are forced to believe that growth is infinite and entropy doesn't exist. Their entire ideology relies on them justifying imperialism because these whiny bloodless Karens have desires that matter more than their child slaves ("To shift the responsibility of Nestle using slave labor to the consumer is fucking monstrous"..."Jeff Bezos should consume less. no one else" this Breadtuber has the same petit bourgeois consumption based ideology as that Ian MIles Cheong freak)

When your entire existence is predicated on exploitation, you have no other concept of "love and faith in humanity" than being able to continue genocide of indigenous people for your imperialist desires. Will these irrelevant soy podcasters ever get their "faith restored" by working in the fields like their apartheid child slaves? Noooo, that's Stalinism :amber:

Degrowth is an ideology that requires them to go outside (uh oh, sorry vampires!) and "touch grass" as these domesticated losers claim is so important and meaningful to their lives. But if they are actually forced to do that wendigo meme praxis, that's apparently "violent authoritarianism"? Ironic


these glowie lumpen swine LOVE celebrating the deaths and decay of their countrymen. Truly disgusting

Stock car racing in the United States has its origins in bootlegging during Prohibition,[9][10] when drivers ran bootleg whiskey made primarily in the Appalachian region of the United States. Bootleggers needed to distribute their illicit products, and they typically used small, fast vehicles to better evade the police. Many of the drivers would modify their cars for speed and handling,[10] as well as increased cargo capacity.[11]

The repeal of Prohibition in 1933 dried up some of their business, but by then Southerners had developed a taste for moonshine, and a number of the drivers continued "runnin' shine", this time evading the "revenuers" who were attempting to tax their operations.

is this CIA counter-revolutionary funding of their bourgeois crime families?