I mean I wouldn't go that far. I appreciate it, seriously, but I'm just a dude who happens to have a metric fuckload of saved memes lol
Of course! I mean what else am I gonna do... have a life?! Hard pass.
I'm gonna be real, it's been a really awful couple days due to three things. My cat got sick and I had to rush her to the vet. Turns out she's perfectly fine but my wallet isn't and likely won't be for a while. That leads to the second thing. A friend owed me $50 and said he'd pay me back this month or next. I asked if he could send back $20 in the next few days and he blocked me. So that's fun. Having to budget everything all over again while marking that off completely. Now that's not too bad but things got topped off with the third thing. While dealing with all this, I got a phone call. A friend who had been sick for a while passed away. There's been a lot of Baldurs Gate 3 during the past 24 hours with me just going full murderhobo out of frustration.
I want this game so fucking bad... My buddy keeps talking about how amazing it is. Not getting it until probably January unless I suddenly find a sugar daddy. The first one was stunning so I wouldn't be surprised by this next one. Also not surprised that they've got so much planned for Post Launch. With the hit of the first one, they must have almost overprepared for this go around.
I'm just perpetually sipping on that bitch like a capri sun.
At least you've got the willpower. I'm being forced by the universe. The physical thing is a good point although it would be literally the only game that I would physically own.
Considering I just posted something to the gaming community asking to play Elden Ring with someone... yeah. I'd also like to know the answer to this.
You get a +2 to your AC.
That looks so infuriatingly tasty right now.
I'd trade my bussy for some to slide down my thrussy
I have said both of those words unironically before
True. Just be nice if I could afford that even on a good day. I'm just tired.
Right? Blends it so perfectly that even when you know it's there it takes a moment to figure out.