
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

This was AUB's statement about this

[–] 51 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Yes, a funeral procession for 4 members.

[–] 13 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Any popular posts that involve a minority/enemy of right wingers doing something bad or sticking out get brigaded. A blatant example is PublicFreakout where threads are usually fairly normal unless it's a black/arab/Indian person doing the antagonizing then pretty much all the top comments are dog or regular whistles. Similar "brigading" can happen even in a city subreddit similar to r/Canada even if they are regular users otherwise. If the post is good enough fodder the subreddit will suddenly resemble a klan meetup even if it's usually otherwise "normal".

ActualPublicFreakout is an alternative that doesn't need brigading because it's already similar to WorldNews.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah, like the other person also mentioned Counter Strike has had a major cheating problem for two decades and it's still pretty bad today. Valorant is a very similar type of game: twitch shooter that needs fine motor skills and reaction time where one player can dominate an entire match. Valorant has a more intrusive anti-cheat and a lower ratio of cheaters but both game still have cheaters and cheats. People will pay large monthly fees for access to premium, not-yet-detected cheats to compete in competitive circuits.

What's distinct about twitch shooters is that the core gameplay is very simple (just click on everyone's head) but it can take thousands of hours to become really competitive at them. People who are not at the same level as their opponent may think they are cheating if they outskill them enough which leads to a feedback loop where new players feel like they need to cheat to be on equal footing because the other person HAS to be doing it too.

Players with a lot of hours can usually tell if someone is cheating with relatively high accuracy (except at very high skill levels where the cheaters are also incredibly good at the game) but newer players tend to consistently call cheats on players that are just better at the game. Competitive drive, lack of trust in other players playing fair and high skill ceilings all create the demand for cheats which in turn creates lucrative opportunities for cheat developers.

Ruining other people's fun is also another popular reason like you said but I would say most cheaters justify it to themselves in some way.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Keep projecting

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Keep projecting your own insecurities

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

If they are decided by a fraction and you made the correct the political choice then you win. Hope this helps.

[–] 0 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (2 children)

Either it makes political sense for her to adopt her current position or it doesn't. You can't get voters on both sides of an issue but you can mark where you stand on it and have people vote accordingly.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Not voting for a candidate who is tacitly supporting a genocide on that basis is not "doing bad things" no matter how much bad faith spin you try to add. The candidate has to earn the vote and that applies to non-voters too. Some people care about certain issues enough to abstain from voting on that basis and others vote strategically because its not a team sport. You just want validation for your own voting decision by implying those abstaining from voting are directly or indirectly responsible for your candidate's opponent winning which they are not. If Harris wins or loses it will be based on her and her party's policy and campaign decisions.

[–] 0 points 3 weeks ago (14 children)

Since being primarily concerned about the genocide is that unpopular of a position then why are you so concerned? If Harris made the decision that those voters are not as important to her then that's that. You can't have it both ways no matter how many self-righteous posts you make online.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

The posts read like vague paranoia to me which makes me believe there's a good chance it was related to mental health but who can say for sure.

[–] 43 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (5 children)

Are you sure it was previously deleted stuff? I thought the same thing had happened to me but it was due to subreddits being private at the time of deletion then later coming out of private (some weeks or months later) preventing those then privated posts/comments from being deleted. I think running another automated tool again should do the trick at this point.


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HADES II Development Update (

We now can confirm we're planning for Hades II to launch in Early Access in Q2 2024 on Steam and the Epic Games Store. We'll have more details on the exact date, pricing, and system requirements closer to that time.


cross-posted from:

After many rumors and leaks , today it has finally been announced that Borderlands 3 will be coming to Switch this year. The official account of the game on


Fantastic value at 60USD


NOTE: Please backup your saves before attempting any of this as it involves modding your game files and that always poses a risk of data loss if things go wrong. Also, there may be some differences between original and remaster that I'll mention.

So the Knoxx DLC is notorious for being a driving simulator and BL1 DLC not having any fast travel stations except for the starting areas makes farming very tedious. Fortunately, there are ways around that on PC:

The "simple" way for Crawmerax and the Crimson Lance Armory

  • Download the Essentials Mod by LegX

Remaster/Enhanced version:

Original version:

  • Extract the WillowGame folder into your installation directory with the same existing folder: eg. a default Steam install should be in \Steam\steamapps\common\BorderlandsGOTYEnhanced\WillowGame\

  • Go to save data location eg. \Documents\My games\Borderlands Game of the Year\WillowGame\Config

  • Open WillowEngine.ini. Search for DefaultGlobalsDefinitionName=gd_globals.General.Globals

  • Replace it with DefaultGlobalsDefinitionName=gd_globals_custom.General.Globals

  • Launch game

  • Open Pause menu -> Options -> Mouse and Keyboard -> Keybindings -> Bind Fast travel to Craw/Knoxx Armory to whatever button

Notes: If you travel with the bind and are done with the area make sure you save quit instead of just traveling to it again as that will not save your current progress\

Also binding Fast Travel UI lets you fast travel from anywhere which is a big QoL improvement.

The manual way for Ajax (and Craw/Knoxx if needed)

  • Go to \BorderlandsGOTYEnhanced\WillowGame\CookedPC\DLC3\Maps

  • Copy dlc3_gondola_p.umap

  • Go to \BorderlandsGOTYEnhanced\WillowGame\CookedPC\Maps\Arid

  • Paste dlc3_gondola_p.umap

  • Rename Arid_SkagGully_P.umap to something like Backup_Arid_SkagGully_P.umap for safekeeping

  • Rename dlc3_gondola_p.umap to Arid_SkagGully_P.umap

  • Launch game

  • Fast travel to Skag Gully

  • You should spawn within 1 minute of Ajax as shown here

  • For Lance Armory and Crawmerax Repeat with dlc3_uberboss_p.umap for Crawmerax and dlc3_lancedepot_p.umap for Armory which can also in found in \BorderlandsGOTYEnhanced\WillowGame\CookedPC\DLC3\Maps

Another map you can replace is 'Arid_Cave_P.umap' which corresponds to The Lost Cave. You can use any map as a replacement but those are just the ones I've used before.

Note: the gondola file for Ajax may only work for the remaster or there may be a better one to use for the original if you search the large .umap files for yourself and try each one you might be able to find one that spawns you right in front of his area in the original version of BL1


A short while after his last video on why its basically impossible, he's been proven "wrong".

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