Bean caught doing something they shouldn’t have by the looks of it..!! Adorable 🐱
Came from Apollo, only been on Reddit once. That was enough for me..
I find reviews of books on Goodreads to be open and honest especially by users. I’m a frequent poster of reviews on books that I have read and try to be honest about them. If your really stuck you could always ask ChatGPT..!!
Glad you are enjoying them..!! I love fantasy books and when I saw The Legend of Drizzt books I added them to my Goodreads to read list. After that I thought I’d skip some and go for The Hunter’s Blades trilogy.
Sweet Tooth - Starting tonight
Love, Death and Robots
G.O.T - Series2. On a Mission to count how may times ‘King in the north!!’ is said (up to 26 so far)
Helstrom - Not yet started
Succession - On season 3
I don’t use either because of the levels of invectivity of the people on said platforms..
Totally loaded with sugar.. Has anyone tried the cheesy beans..?
Good job you didn’t need to pixel blur the pencil sharpener..!!