De-existing condition
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GOOD post
The vast majority of people are defending the assassin on Yahoo. I think this may be the most popular American assassination in a long long time.
Even the top replies on Twitter are pro-assassination. You love to see it.
Last year UHC fucked up my medication, it left me bedridden for a month, and I lost my job.
In my (failed) fight for justice and compensation, I had multiple emails with this dead sack of shit Brian Thompson CC'd on them.
This hero shooter is living out my personal fantasy in a very specific way. I hope he is never apprehended, and may he be an inspiration to many more!
I'm glad the universe saw it fit to give you some recompense. I hope the piece of shit CEO saw the faces of everyone he fucked over as the bullet pierced his cold shriveled heart.
Sorry, bullet wounds are specifically excluded from your policy coverage.
According to our totally objective ai software, we must deny your emergency surgery
the computer says you "had it coming"
a portrait of elegance emerges from the CNN article:
Brian Thompson was walking toward the New York Hilton Hotel in Midtown Manhattan, dressed in a suit and tie, to attend UnitedHealthcare’s annual investor conference being held in the ballroom"
A gunman, who investigators tell CNN was masked in the sub-freezing temperatures, waited for about 10 minutes before Thompson’s arrival, before opening fire from 20 feet away shooting multiple times, striking Thompson."
The gunman fled, cutting through an alleyway and hopping on to a bicycle, the official told CNN."
hope he died in complete terror. only wish I could have been there to piss in his face.
20 feet away? Damn, finally an adventurist who spent time at the range.
A health~~care~~ INSURANCE CEO was murdered? Nature is healing
Health Insurance ceo. I refuse to refer to their works as healthcare
Absolutely correct and that is my fuck up on giving this parasite even a fraction of good will
When I say I want health care reform this is what I mean
Reform healthcare CEOs into compost
I would have simply chosen not to get shot.
Shooter is described as a white male wearing a cream-colored jacket, black face mask, and black and white sneakers, and carrying a gray backpack.
Get ready for an aggressive push to make masking illegal from the liberals now
Kathy Hocul already proposed banning masks on the NYC subway because of the Gaza protests back in June. Given how dismissive to outright hostile they've been about being reminded of an ongoing pandemic ever since Brandon declared Covid over the first time, the slip is already well-greased. I'm sure many of them will also weep over "political violence" meeting a poor insurance exec who never did anything wrong, too…
wearing a cream-colored jacket, black face mask, and black and white sneakers, and carrying a gray backpack.
dang i sure how there wasn't a change of clothes in that backpack
I don't even give a shit if it was a targeted hit for reasons totally unrelated to his ghoulishness. Uncritical support for murdering insurance CEOs.
I saw the full footage of the hit on CNN and dude badass, cold ass mofo. The gun even jammed and he cleared out the jam and plugged that guy even some more.
The Mafia
Liking killing CEOS.
death to every health insurance executive
And nothing of value was lost. Fuck health insurance companies they are literally evil.
live health insurance CEO reaction
Lemmyworld being reddit 2.0
c/news@lemmyworld locking threads related to this and nuked the comments for anything celebratory of this instead of removing comments or banning people for defending the ex-CEO:
Oh the irony, removing comment for "celebrating violence" and having a lot of posts/comments about "I want to see what Trump will do with your family" or just celebrating another Ukraine "victory".
"It's not violence if it upholds the status quo" — lib takeaway from The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
Wishing a very death on all health insurance ceos
Deeply ironic that when this news broke I was in an urgent care out of network because I couldn't get an appointment anywhere with my employer provided United Healthcare.
RIP in piss bozo
Be insurance CEO
Make useless "product" known as "insurance". Basically the product is people give you money for no reason
No one wants to buy your shitty product
You're buddies with some politicians, tell them to write a law to make it illegal to NOT buy your product, even if they can't afford it
Use daddy government to threaten citizenry with jail time if they don't buy your useless product that's literally just giving you money for no reason
Violate the NAP on 331 million people
Someone defends their property
"This is a horrible tragedy!" Yet we celebrate when cops extrajudicial execute people for other crimes.
I just laughed so hard on the train. Rest in piss fucker.
We need to send our thoughts and prayers everyone. If this can happen to the CEO of a health insurance company it shows that our thoughts and prayers are working and we need to be doing more of them.
Rumor has it, he was denied treatment at the ER because the bullet was a preexisting condition. Pretty sad.
That bike pic has exactly the same energy as that meme with Skeletor running away.