Here posts are called neither Tweets nor Skeets, but rather poops
. For example, "Wow, I really like this poop you made! I will give it one upbear!"
Mastery of the emojis is essential for communication on here. Hexbears are really only semi-literate, so pictographs are pretty important for getting your point across
. However, be warned that new users are allowed only a single emoji per week until they have hit the thousand post threshold (on average this takes about two weeks).
This is a website for liberals. However, there is a single leftist on here, and it is me. Hi. 
We don't have downvotes here
. We used to, but they were being used in a transphobic way so we got rid of them. If you disagree with someone make sure to comment and tell them so in such a way that they will be your enemy until the end of time
If you look at the top of the website page, you will see a rotating selection of text called taglines. These are all serious and carefully selected by the mod team as representative of our philosophy. 
This is a nonsecretarian space
. Thoughtful discussions and critiques are welcome, but dunking on other tendencies will be removed*
This does not include liberalism, Trots (liberals), left communists (liberals) , democratic socialists (liberals), or social democrats (fascists)
Finally, and most importantly never stop pooping. If anyone tells you to stop, keep pooping anyway. Always poop, until the very end. 
I'm at 98 (99 now) in just over 3 years.
we should be in awe of your zen in the tradition of !chapotraphouse3@hexbear.net